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Chapter 12.


Alternative Careers


Thomas Edison's teacher told him he was "too stupid to learn anything.“

Edison went on to hold more than 1,000 patents and invented some world-changing devices, like the phonograph, practical electrical lamp, and a movie camera.


Many students begin Education without a plan, most students spend 4 years studying but end up with frustration, they don't become a profession at the end of it? Should have Plan and devote some time to this important decision. Human nature, that if we have too many choices, it can be difficult to choose just one. Many of Graduates unhappy and tired exhausted and frustrated with the traditional job. Graduates should not feel bad, because -Philosophy graduates are not expected to become philosophers! Islamic Studies graduates are not expected to become Maolana(Imam). Human is indecisive, and so instead of relishing the vast opportunity of choices a law degree & legal training put at disposal, oftentimes become paralyzed by these potential choices.


There are many career alternatives for graduates who do not want to enter into a traditional job market. Their decision should be positive, Should be made out of enthusiasm for a new area. They should not be frustrated with the trials and tribulations of formal education. So what they should do with their degree? It is the individual who can be who he or she wants to be? Everyone wants to be happy with their lifestyle, everyone dreams to be live in luxurious life. To avoid depression, always think differently and think positively. Sometimes employers might be impressed by your degree and it may not require the job graduates will do.


1. Ask when facing fear and changing careers:

What is the worst situation about career change and fear, often go back to this series of questions about risk assessment. Once you’ve got a handle on worst-case situations, your fears eclipse a lot less of your heart and mind.  This means asking yourself:

·         What scares you most about changing careers?

·         What do you gain the most by making this?  Can be personality-based or lifestyle, or more.

·         What’s the worst-case situation for you if things go pear-shaped, for life or emotional state?

·         And (this is important!) what skills do you have to mitigate that worst case from happening?

As technology has changed, as more and more work moves online, finding work as a digital nomad or remote worker becomes more feasible. Is there any shame in leveraging skills toward a non-dream job, if that allows you the flexibility to build a life you want?


2. Figure out what you could happily invest more time in learning how to do better. What can you become more of an expert at doing?

3. Figure out how good you would need to get in order to leverage that skill to build the life you want to build. What is the skill level you need to be valuable enough for that bargaining power?  

4. What experts can help you grow those skillsets and aggregate more leverage? In today’s digital world, access to experts and their knowledge has never been easier. Who can you engage with to double down on your skills? Who can provide a snapshot of their own path to better inform your own? Approaching people in a quiet way – not “here are some times for a call” but rather “I’d be grateful if you could spend a few minutes of your time helping me understand your trajectory” – goes a long way toward answering your questions.

5. How can you ‘fall back on your worst-case situation in a graceful way? 

Building Self Identity

Career exploration and decision-making for graduate students are not easy. Do many reason graduates seek a career change?  Love to work in the modern environment but could not find the right career or don’t want to work with someone? Or graduate searching for fields where their skills could be applied? As a number and demand for, it is skyrocketing, too much competition. Most of the time graduates are confused along frustrated. Most of the graduate’s experiences of accomplishment and recognition have been within the academic context, and there is a fear that there are no other contexts in which they will be as successful. However, these successes are not tied to a specific situation, they are indicative of the individual. Beginning to identify and acknowledge the skills, interests, values, and priorities that make each person unique is an important first step in determining the activities that each individual would find satisfying.


Know your possibility

Nobody likes Rejection, it can feel devastating, it is difficult to handle as a fresh graduate. Some of the world's most successful people have failed — sometimes more than once. Weaker people might have given up. Instead, Successful People remained focused on their goals. Highly successful people experienced massive failure before they found fame and fortune. As human nature, people do not like to see someone succeed. So, Do it for the people who want to see you fail. There will always be people telling you Can’t, You should believe yourself and say it ‘yes I can, watch me. To accomplish a great thing your must-have realistic dream.


Alternative Careers for Lawyers:

What To Do When You Want To Quit Law. There is a lot of room for creative legal work, or non-legal work, that isn’t a “total dream” in terms of day-to-day but does give some financial comfort and a much less restrictive schedule. Here are some jobs that are very well aligned with a lawyer’s skills:

Agent(Law firm):-

Arbitrator /Mediator


Working in the Bank for legal officer

Bar Association Administrator

Career Counselor

Computer Consultant for cyber law

Corporate Trainer

Civil Service

Environmental law practice

Investment Banker



Legislative Analyst


Legal Consultant

Politician/Political Advisor


Real Estate Developer

Business Owner



Title Examiner

Trust Officer

Education and Administration

Human Resources Management


Alternate Career Paths for Pharmacists

During pharmacy study, many friends and family members asked a common question, “What are your plans after graduation? Which pharmaceutical company will you work for?”  Assumed for branded pharmaceutical company because like develop country community pharmacy is not famous in Bangladesh.  They see these places of employment as the “traditional” role of a pharmacist.  While in pharmacy education, most students become more aware of the numerous career opportunities a degree in pharmacy. If pharmacy graduates are concussed they will know more and more aware of the disconnect between what the general public sometimes perceives the role of a pharmacist to be and the many roles pharmacists now play in healthcare today.  Today’s pharmacy graduates have a much wider range of career opportunities such as Information Technology(IT) pharmacist, medication safety officer, public health pharmacist, antibiotic stewardship pharmacist, and many more. Pharmacy graduates’ opportunities can be further widened if pharmacy educators expose students to the numerous available career paths early enough in the curriculum.  


Many University of pharmacy has developed formal ways for students to learn about new career opportunities including elective courses in specialized areas of practice, developing dual degree programs and offering certain “tracks” in the curriculum such as a “research track” for those interested in going into academics or the pharmaceutical industry. Elective courses are a great, relatively simple way for pharmacy faculty to introduce new, unique specialty areas of practice to student pharmacists.


For those who are interested in healthcare law, Pharmacy and law is unique for government and regulatory agencies.  The Pharmacy and MBA program trains future pharmacists in leadership, entrepreneurial, and business roles.  Other degrees that student can earn concurrently with the Pharmacy with MPH (Masters in Public Health), MSHI (Masters in Healthcare Informatics), and MHA (Masters in Healthcare Administration).


An increasing trend toward much more clinical, the specialty that can be in the hospital, in ambulatory; it can be in a number of different settings where graduates are now working.  Dual degree programs and post-graduate training that pharmacists are preparing students for new and alternate career paths.  While these approaches are a good start to exposing students to non-traditional employment opportunities, students must actively discover the career path that best matches their personal interests.


Alternatives careers for teachers

Teaching can be an enormously rewarding and attractive career, but it’s not for everyone. A good number of teachers are choosing to walk away from teaching. Respect and easy life may not be the style you are looking for.  if you decide to leave teaching, a variety of other jobs are available from working in a museum to corporate training. Before you change keep in your mind your value Interest and skill.

A teacher has good communication and presentation skills, high levels of creativity, and lots of experience in dealing with difficult situations – emotional, pastoral, practical, and logistical. There are many education-related jobs outside of the classroom which could suit, as well as opportunities in the commercial sector where an education background would be an asset. So if you are thinking about life after teaching, here are a few ideas that could be worth investigating as an alternative career.


Education liaison roles

If you still feel passionate about the teaching profession, you might be interested in taking a behind-the-scenes role. You could get involved in the recruitment and training of new teachers for organizations such as become an administrative role and organize teaching placements. Working in a liaison role between education institutions and employers, advising on admissions, training courses, apprenticeships, or vocational training?


Work for an educational supplier

There are thousands of companies that see academic institutions as their target market. This includes educational software companies, IT and furniture suppliers, facilities management, training courses – the list is endless. As a teacher, you could add valuable insight into their sales process, become an account manager, help with their marketing and develop new products and services. You will need to show you are commercially savvy and perhaps even go on some additional business-related training, but having a teacher on board is undoubtedly an advantage for any company trying to win new customers in education.


What can you do with an engineering degree, apart from being an engineer?

There are many different jobs engineering graduates can do with an engineering degree, An engineer’s fundamental skills, such as logical thinking, problem-solving and strong numeracy, are highly desirable in many other business sectors. IT, banking, finance, and consulting are just a few of the options. However, you don’t have to leave engineering to explore commercial, financial, and management opportunities.


Many larger engineering employers run programs that focus on these areas of their business, for example, operations management, commercial management, technical sales, finance, procurement and purchasing, supply chain management, and logistics. Read on to research a selection of your options.


Abul Hayat

Abul Hayat is a Bangladeshi actor. He is also a writer and a civil engineer. He earned Bangladesh National Film Award for Best Supporting Actor for the film Daruchini Dwip in 2007 and was awarded Ekushey Padak for his writing in 2015 by the Government of Bangladesh.


Tauquir Ahmed

Tauquir Ahmed, an architect, an actor, turned director in both television and cinema. His films won many international and national awards including Bangladesh National Film Awards in the Best Director, Best Screenplay and Best Story categories for the films Joyjatra and Oggatonama. 


Dr. Ejajul Islam 

Dr. Ejajul Islam is a television and film actor. He is also a physician by profession. He completed MBBS from Rangpur Medical College and Diploma in Nuclear Medicine from Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University. Currently the head of the Department of Nuclear Medicine at Dhaka Medical College and Hospital


Entrepreneurship in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a rapidly growing country. It is among the next eleven emerging economies in the world. There are plenty of business opportunities in the country and small business ideas with a low budget. Many Bangladeshi business magnets started as small businesses. In Bangladesh, about 40.3% of people have their own businesses. Agriculture has over 40.6% people and rests 19.1% people work in Industries. Small businesses are very common in Bangladesh.


What is an Entrepreneur

Someone who creates and runs a new business with risk and uncertainty for achieving profit & growth. The people who create these businesses are called entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship has been described as the "capacity and willingness to develop, organize and manage a business venture. Entrepreneurship is the process by which either an individual or a team identifies a business opportunity and acquires and deploys the necessary resources required for its exploitation. While definitions of entrepreneurship typically focus on the launching and running of businesses, due to the high risks involved in launching a new business, a significant proportion of new businesses have to close due to "lack of funding, bad business decisions, an economic crisis, lack of market demand, bad location, or a combination of all of these.


To become an entrepreneur requires four criteria. First, there must be opportunities or situations to recombine resources to generate profit. Second, entrepreneurship requires differences between people, such as preferential access to certain individuals or the ability to recognize information about opportunities. Third, taking on risk is a necessity. Fourth, the entrepreneurial process requires the organization of people and resources.


The entrepreneur is commonly seen as an innovator—a designer of new ideas and business processes. Management skills and strong team-building abilities are often perceived as essential leadership attributes for successful entrepreneurs. Leadership, management ability, and team-building to be essential qualities of an entrepreneur.


Chicken farm                                         Boutique Shop


Why Be an Entrepreneur?

Some people become entrepreneurs because they see it as a freedom of work. Their prior experience in the job market or achievements in education makes them realize that working for others is no longer a life suited for them. Entrepreneurs are driven by the need to succeed and control their own destiny. One of the best things about pursuing a career as an entrepreneur is the wide-open possibilities.


Entrepreneurs have many characters or personalities. A good number of entrepreneurs never finished high school. Some are fiery revolutionaries. Some are gentle souls with a good idea. Some are driven but difficult. Some have grown up in the most difficult circumstances imaginable - emerging with enormous determination to strive for greatness. Others are pleasant, personable, and compassionate renegades. Some are educated, well behaved. Generally, there will be a life event, key motivator, or source of inspiration that causes a person to strike out on their own. The possibilities in entrepreneurship are endless. The rewards can be high. And the risks are undoubtedly high too. But, if someone has drive, creativity, and the desire to be their own boss, this may very well be the career for him or her. Most business owners will agree on one thing as an entrepreneur, it is great. There are endless reasons why entrepreneurs? Every entrepreneur will have his or her own personal reasons.


Risks of Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship has its share of advantages and disadvantages. Being own boss offers unparalleled freedom in terms of the type of work and the amount of work. However,  there are some disadvantages to entrepreneurship :


if the venture fails,  entrepreneurs lose everything, and being an entrepreneur means not having a regular salary. Entrepreneurship offers no guarantees with regards to a regular paycheck especially when the business is at its formative stage. Schedules are highly unpredictable and the entrepreneur will be required to respond to changes in the market or customer requests almost immediately. This may at times force one to work longer hours.


Street Food


Characteristics of Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship requires hard work and commitment through the devotion of time and efforts. Hard work with enthusiasm is needed to make new ideas, developing plans, determination of required resources. Entrepreneurs have a deep sense of personal responsibility and a high level of energy.


Types of Entrepreneurship

1.Trading Entrepreneurship

2. Manufacturing Entrepreneurship

3.Agricultural Entrepreneurship

4.Technical Entrepreneurship

5. Non- Technical Entrepreneurship

6.Retail Entrepreneurship


Bangladesh’s economy is booming, business opportunities and the development of new sectors are only a matter of time. Socio-economic conditions are improving and people now hold more disposable income. Young career seekers are looking to improve their quality of life, spending on entertainment, traveling, commodities, and opening up new avenues for businesses. There is the business to be done, opportunities to be taken. There is no short-cut or easy way out. Bangladesh has seen quite a few startups coming up in the last few years. As per population, it is not satisfactory as per the global index. Due to professionalism, lack of financial support, and know-how to do business are some factors for new businesses or startups.


Some Entrepreneurial ideas in Bangladesh

Business is nothing but ideas. If someone wants to start a business make sure should know all the challenges to start a business. Business depends on funds, location, services, proper planning, and management is the key to success. Some ideas are given below to start your own business with a small investment. Due to population Bangladesh is the place where an entrepreneur with a small investment can start any business. .  This is a sample list of business ideas that may help to get an idea to start their own small business in Bangladesh.


1.      Car wash: it is a profitable business and new concept in Bangladesh.


2.      Coffee shop: A small coffee shop business is very popular among young’s.  However, this business can focus on more choices able by customers. Location and service are important for setting up a coffee shop business.


3.      Commission Agent:- Commission agent for insurance, cell phone recharge, and multipurpose

4.      Event Management: New business concept in Bangladesh but required creative ideas.


5.      Food Catering: As mentioned in the above point, food can never go wrong. Everybody wants to serve good food on any occasion. It can be any occasion, religious or business; if you know how to cook, it is the best option ever.


6.      Fast Food: Most of the young entrepreneurs in Bangladesh is interested in this profitable business. As small business ideas in Bangladesh, new entrepreneurs can start fast food shops. Location and service is important for setup a small fast food business.


7.   Fish Business: Highly thriving business in Bangladesh. There is a huge demand for fish in the local and national markets. This is a low investment to start.


8.      Goat Farming: this is a very profitable small business ideas Bangladesh. It requires less hard work but a good return of profit. The demand for goat’s meats is always high in Bangladesh.


9.      Homemade Cooking food: Food is the first thing that can never go wrong and homemade food is the best option ever. People crave homemade good food and people from the working class would always prefer food from home on an everyday basis.


10.  Micro Finance: Microfinance is a very profitable service targeted at individuals and small businesses who lack access to conventional banking and related services. small loans clients; savings and payment systems.

11.  IPO:  Investment in IPO (Initial Public Offering) business is completely risk-free income source. 


12.  Rent a Room Bed & Breakfast: Renting your property is one of the most common businesses now. Even if you have a small house, you can rent a room.


13.  Online Business: Before getting into the online business, study the market. First, know your interest and the market's demand. Online business is a very profitable business. Buy the things from the wholesale market and sell it online. The investment for the business is also not very high.


14.  Pharmacy business: Good business but location is important. Before starting a pharmacy business must have a pharmaceutical license. Besides the hospital or any busy area is the perfect location for this business.

15.  Photography: The definition of Photography has changed today. It is more about talent and technology. You must have a vision and could buy a good but cheap camera and you will see yourself building customers already.


16.  Professional service: Educated people can start professional service business like consultancy (academic, engineering, financial, legal, medical, land, etc ) , training, income tax service, audit service, legal service, risk management, portfolio management etc.


17.  Poultry Farm: New and demanding business in Bangladesh. Eggs, chicken, and food of chicken are very good business. Training will be helpful before start such business.


18.  Rent a Room Bed & Breakfast: Renting your property is one of the most common businesses now. Even if you have a small house, you can rent a room.

19.  Restaurant: A wonderful location to start a restaurant business. Good manner of staffs, clean environment. Unique food items will boost the business.


20.  Small Bakery: Bakery is an evergreen business. So many tastes and so many varieties. Yes, it is comparatively a little high in investments but it is worth it. The outcome is surely better.


21.  Salon/Beauty parlor: If you know how to give a good haircut, it is a low capital to start in Bangladesh, Or it may require a professional who can do.  A good clean salon and beauty parlor always has demand.


22.  Super shop: A Small-scale super shop business is profitable business ideas in Bangladesh. Location is very important for this business. A good residential area where 450 to 500 square foot is space is perfect to start a small super shop.


23.  Secondary Share Market: It has risk but if an investor is careful return is very good for Bangladesh.


24.  Tailor: Everyone needs a good tailor, both men, and women. If you have this talent, now you know how to use it. It is a profitable business to indulge in.


25.  Tutoring: Teaching can be done as a part-time work also. You just have to know your subject well and you can earn a good sum.


26.  Trade Business: As of small business ideas in Bangladesh, the trading business is a traditional business. Buy low price sell with profit. Subject to the nature of business, various factors need to consider. Strong communication, reliable partner/staff are necessary to start such a profitable business in Bangladesh.



Young Entrepreneurs of Bangladesh


Monjurul Hoque

Founder Barcode Restaurant group.

Monjurul Hoque, a young entrepreneur who loves to eat and feed others and brought the café culture in the heart of Chattogram with his Barcode restaurant group, Hoque has established himself as a trendsetter, persuading others to follow in his footsteps. His idea turned him into the most popular entrepreneur and become a household name for every foodie in Chattogram and made him an icon. He greets his customer as his personal house guest. With his staff, he is often seen serving food or taking suggestions with a smile on his face. Hoque’s success sent good vibes across the city’s business community. A good number of entrepreneurs opened restaurants in Chattogram following on the heels of its huge success.


The idea took birth while he was a student and studying in Singapore. He is a director of N Mohammad Group, the renowned business founded by his father late Nurul Hoque. Besides his family business, he decided to work on his dream by establishing a small café with accommodation for 40 people and a menu with only four items. Within a short time, it was able to create a buzz among food lovers. Within a year, the cafe was almost four times bigger and Hoque opened two more cafés. When he started, he had four people who took care of the service, now he has employed and trained around 100 people, who previously were unemployed


Mohammed Iqbal Hossain

Managing Director, PHP

Mohammed Iqbal Hossain is the second son of renowned industrialist Sufi Mizanur Rahaman. After graduation from the USA, he joined the PHP Group with his father. From traditional trading to new and innovation in business made the company one of the leading heavy manufacturing companies in Bangladesh. With his dynamic leadership in entrepreneurial skills, the group finds a sound position among the competitors.

Salim Rahman

Managing Director, KDS

Salim Rahman is a Managing Director of KDS. After Graduation from the USA, he joined his father’s business KDS Group of Companies. He is the eldest son of Alhaj Khalilur Rahman. KDS Garments established in the year 1983, currently employing more than 30,000 people globally. As a business owner, he has been at the helm of 12 different companies. KDS Group's main business is in Garments and related accessories business, other concerns are steel and financial institutions.


Syed M Tanvir

Director, Pacific Jeans Ltd

Syed M Tanvir is Director of Pacific Jeans Ltd, His father M Nasir Uddin started a factory, in the year of 1984 with only 500 people. Now total employees are about 26,000.  After education from the UK, he joined his family business. While a student, he always spent his time in the factory, working in different departments.As a fresh graduate, getting to know the functions of each department was not only challenging but also exciting, Tanvir said. His designation demanded a high level of interpersonal competence to take hold of the diverse business operations and prove his ability to run the organization. The factory began manufacturing jeans for an Italian brand in the following year when there was no denim laundry in the country. The factory used to stitch the jeans and ship them unwashed to Italy. His father established the first denim laundry in Bangladesh in 1986. In 1996, Nasir set up Pacific Jeans in Chittagong Export Processing Zone with 1,500 people. 


Ayman Sadiq

CEO, 10 Minute School

Ayman Sadiq is a Chief Executive Officer of 10 Minute School. An entrepreneur and internet personality is known for starting the Youtube channel 10 Minute School that publishes video lectures on various topics, including science, business, personal development, and arts. He was in Forbes' young social entrepreneur list in the year 2018. The annual list by Forbes features 30 youngsters from Asia who are leveraging business tools to solve the world's problems. He was named as one of the winners of the Queen's Young Leader Award for 2018. He attended Dhaka University’s IBA and graduated with a Bachelor in Business Administration.


Sajid Iqbal

Founder of Change

Sajid Iqbal, 27, Founder of Change. The annual list by Forbes features 30 youngsters from Asia who are leveraging business tools to solve through his business initiatives. Sajid Iqbal, is the founder of Change, a youth-led development agency working in the field of green innovations, research on renewable energy, water security, and sustainable business development. Sajid Iqbal completed his Bachelor and Masters from NSU.


Hussain Elius

CEO of Pathao

Hussain Elius is the CEO of Pathao,  a trusted community-fueled mode of transport, delivery, and ride-sharing in Bangladesh. Headquartered in Dhaka, the ride-sharing platform is one of the fastest-growing gig service providers in Bangladesh, and has grown its team from 30 people, to now over 500 in just a few years. The startup’s most popular service to date is its motorbike sharing, which users can seamlessly access through its smartphone app. The service has overtaken taxi and CNG auto-rickshaw rental services by offering its customers a better way to weave quickly through the notorious traffic jams in the megacity of Dhaka.


Raisul Kabir

‘Brain Station 23’

Raisul Kabir, a man with many talents in his fields. He started his startup ‘Brain Station 23’ right after his graduation from BUET in 2006. Today it’s one of the leading software company in Bangladesh and become a Global name in the Netherlands, Denmark, Switzerland, Canada, UK, USA, Israel, and the Middle East all along. Brain Station 23 was awarded as one of the top 10 software outsourcing companies in Bangladesh in 2013, 2014, and 2015. After graduating from BUET in EEE, he completed his MBA from EWU. “Brain Station 23” isn’t Raisul Kabir’s first initiative. He started his first company ‘Paradigm Neomedia’ – a famous web design company, in 2003 when he was a student. He is also the founder of the e-commerce Company ‘BIPONEE’ established in 2013. In 2015, he sold his venture for an undisclosed sum to Zero Gravity.


A M Ishtiaque Sarwar

CEO, Soft Tech Innovation Ltd 

He established Soft Tech Innovation Ltd in 2005. Though he started his business with web development, later Sarwar Ishtiaque growth his business in web development, domain hosting, online retail shop. Has Bachelor & Masters from Southern University Bangladesh. While studying at Southern he started working a part-time job as a library information officer. Later on, I became interested in Web development and started tailoring his career path through web development. He starts his business without capital. Saving money from job building network and determination boost his career.


Dipankar Das


Dipankar Das a former employee of Biswa Sahitya Kendra, now he has his own knowledge center. Not only in Chittagong it is in Dhaka, and Sheet. A 100 square feet book store become a knowledge hub for a book publisher, writers, readers, cultural activists, and young people. His innovative idea attracts people of all kinds, all ages. Despite the literature adda or seminar, Baatighar has become a rendezvous place in Chittagong and Dhaka where people gather around in quest of pure entertainment. If someone constantly strives to give the best effort, He or she will be able to achieve the goals of life. This is the story of Dipankar Das, the owner of Baatighar, where readers are free to browse through the rows and rows of books. Dipankar Das has no business experience, no one in his family is in business, no one told him to do business either.


Farzeen Ferdous Alam

Chairman, Oggro Ventures

Farzeen is an award-winning economist turned farmer who started Oggro Ventures. An undergraduate of Economics from the University of Dhaka, Farzeen has worked on a number of issues ranging from rights of disabled persons to HIV/Aids awareness and has worked with international organizations such as the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAoC)Now, his Ferdous Biotech (Pvt) Ltd and Oggro Dairy combine have a market value of Tk 350 million. He brings innovative solutions to the farming sector and uses tissue culture to produce various agricultural products for local and foreign markets. The first social enterprise dedicated to agriculture the sector that works with over 10,000 farmers across Bangladesh producing a variety of agriculture and horticulture products. Established in 2007, Oggro Ventures now has a number of subsidiaries, each delivering its own social impact.

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