Course description

Course Title: Career Planning & Professional Grooming

Course Code: GE 1001                    Credit: 02


Course Category: GED                                                                                                     Prerequisite Course: N/A


Rationale: In our society, there was very little freedom of choice in occupational selection. Career planning & Professional Grooming is a relatively recent social invention. Sons of farmers became farmers, Sons of Maolana become Maolana; sons of factory workers became factory workers, and the daughters of all became housewives and mothers. But in the last few decades society has undergone drastic changes. Job seekers have thousands of different occupations from which to choose. Individuals will likely go through the career decision making and problem solving process many times over their lives. This course is designed to increase the likelihood that individuals will successfully navigate the challenges they face when making career choices in a complex, global economy.


Objectives: Introduction to Career Planning is designed to meet the professional training and for individuals wishing to develop personal skills in career . Career planning involves more than just helping persons choose or enter an occupation. It also includes self-assessment of interests, values, and skills, understanding the steps in career decision making, and learning the necessary employ ability skills to obtain and keep a job once a choice has been made.


Mission of the course: To provide an opportunity for students to learn about and develop the necessary skills to assist other persons or themselves in all areas of life/career planning. This course is designed to introduce and guide students to career and life planning concepts and how to apply these to their own lives. In addition, students will learn how to locate internship opportunities and write a resume.


Learning Outcomes

1. Self awareness and self-assessment to prepare for choosing a major and or a career.

2. Learning the methods of a successful career search, including research, resume preparation, interview skills, salary negotiation, networking, etc.

3. Understanding the politics and the organizational structure of businesses and organizations with the goal of securing and understanding career level position.

4. How to locate and use computerized job search databases.

5. Develop strategies for life long career searches and development.

6. Learning to identify, research, and apply for graduate schools.


Teaching-Learning Strategy:

This Course is designed to help students understand more clearly the relationship of career Planning & development learning to strategies designed to enhance the employ-ability of students. Career learning is concerned with helping students to acquire knowledge, concepts, skills and attitudes which will equip them to manage their careers, i.e. their lifelong progression in learning and work. There will be some lecture & related video clip in the class, this class is taught primarily through experiences. Individual participation will be expected. There will be some quizzes and class exercises, as well as written assignments. Your instructor is more of a guide leading you to the resources you can use to do the career planning process effectively.

What will i learn?


Learning Resource Center

lrc bd




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